Saturday, December 17, 2011

Who is Like the Wise?

Ecclesiastes 8

 1 Who is like the wise?
   Who knows the explanation of things?
A person’s wisdom brightens their face
   and changes its hard appearance.

Ecclesiastes is turning out to be one of my favorite books in the Bible.  It was hard for me in the beginning because I was looking at it from the wrong perspective. Maybe this has happened to you to. 

It is a difficult book to understand and to appreciate because I first thought it was so negative...that is until I read the whole book.  I then went back with a renewed perspective and re-read the book and pondered on each verse.  It really has made all the difference in the world.

Another thing which has really helped me is studying it with other Christians. We are using the book in our adult Sunday school class.  The wisdom and perspective that other people have brought to the study is amazing.  Try it yourself and see if that truth holds for you as well.  The Holy Spirit peaks through other people and their experiences and bring a fresh look to just about everything.

Who is like the wise?  They are those who embrace the thoughts, words and experiences of other people that God has touched in a special way.  It's not always about us.  It is always about Jesus and what He wants to do with us.

During this Christmas time, I challenge to to ponder on ways you can embrace other people and what they have to say and give. Bring them along on your journey...surround them with the love of Jesus. After all, didn't God do the same for us when He sent Jesus to that manger so many years ago? Didn't HE embrace us?  I did nothing to deserve salvation and yet He thought the world of me.  He brought me along on a womderful Journey...I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!

Blessings All!


  1. Thanks El..going to go back and read this book with a new eye. I, too, have found Ecclesiastes hard to understand because it seemed to me that Solomon was reflecting on his life and regretting all his mistakes. Blessings!

  2. This is beautiful, El. I'd love to join your SS class.

    Merry Christmas!

    ~ c
